Thursday, August 25, 2011

On the issue of toxic paints; I don't really have an answer for how to deal with the toxic paints. I did reresearch my paints and most of them are non-toxic as far as I've been able to find out. I don't use the two toxic colors too much...because they're toxic. For now I'm just going to paint with the non toxic ones which is much better than not painting at all. I started a painting yesterday that I'm excited about and so hopefully the next post will have pictures. Also I hope to continue the geometry blogging.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Geometry Tools

So in my last post I told a bit more about sacred geometry and my love of and interest in it. I was going through my geometry books again and looking up others online, wishing to find them in library catalogs, not succeeding for the most part and turning to amazon to get the book that I needed to utilize and a few others that I wanted ($25 super-saver free shipping is a dangerous thing for me.). Coming to the point, I was remembering the frustration that I've had and still have in trying to find materials on sacred geometry and similar subjects. I had the idea that I could both make a resource book for myself and make blog posts for others, sharing what I know about sacred geometry.

If you have every wanted to learn how to make those cool geometric designs, then you will need some tools.
A ruler/straight edge - I didn't take pictures of these because I'm guessing you ha
ve one somewhere
And a (or several) compass - I have four but I mostly only use two.

I have this one that used to be my dad's when he was in school.

I have this one which was a cheap-o way to be able to draw bigger circles etc. I don't use it any more because it's a cheap and ineffective compass.

I have this one which I normally don't use because it's so huge but it is great for working big.

Finally I have this one which is Utrecht brand and intended for geometry use and as such titled the Geometry Compass Set.
I really like this compass because it's bigger than my first one, has a connection for pens etc. and an extender bar so that you can make even bigger circles. (If you want one it's currently 60% off).

Monday, August 15, 2011

Sacred Geometry

I have been renewing my love and fascination with Sacred Geometry, I've posted a fair amount about it in the past. I've been getting excited about my work again, and I'm going back and reading or rereading books and photocopies I've got on the subject. I've been really working on learning and exploring the geometry, instead of just sticking to a few designs/patterns that I've sort of run into the ground. I've been getting out my compass and ruler and going to work, "taking chances, making mistakes, and getting messy" as Ms. Frizzle of Magic School Bus would say. I want to reverse engineer Islamic patterns/designs and be able to make designs and patterns of my own that are equally as beautiful. Starting out, I'm working my way through the material provided in Sacred Geometry by Miranda Lundy and eagerly awaiting the arrival of more wooden books (I would love to read just about all of the books they've published).

Here's a pattern I drew the other day from instruction in Sacred Geometry. Look for more geometry soon.

Monday, August 8, 2011

One of the greatest things about the trip I just took to Italy, was getting to see iconic pieces of art, the stuff that art history classes are made of. The Uffizi was a mind blowing dream come true and seeing Michelangelo's David was amazing.
I can't explain how exciting it is to actually see a piece of art that you've revered and loved for years.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Toxic love

I have a problem and I'd love to find a solution or hear about one if any are known. I use a lot of watercolor and to be able to get some of the colors I want, I have some paints that are toxic or carcinogenic and I don't want to have those things going into the water system when I rinse and clean my brushes but I also don't know what to do with the dirty water. I was just leaving the dirty water in the jar hoping that it would evaporate but right now I've got a jar of water that reminds me of when we had tadpoles. I need to go back to the drawing board and I'd love to hear about any better solutions.