Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I'm sorry not to have been updating this blog lately; I've been very busy working on some projects that have deadlines fast approaching. I hope to have pictures to post soon. In the mean time there's an opportunity to see some of my work on display at the Bountiful/Davis Art Center.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

My sister shared this link with me and I just got around to looking at it. It's pretty cool, I'm excited to see more.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


Remember the series I did on Bees? We recently I've been giving those pieces a second look and I've decided to work on expanding that series. Because I've decided to reopen this series, I've been reading up on honey bees again and let me tell you, they are something. Bees don't usually get a lot of thought, but they are amazing, from the fact that they pollinate a large portion of the produce we eat, to the fact that they make their honeycomb in tessellating hexagons, bees are quite remarkable and I'm excited about continuing this series.

Monday, February 7, 2011

I was really excited to have figured out a good way to incorporate the pattern I've been working with into a finished piece. I got the nudge in the right direction through this piece by Whitney Johnson. Here's the piece.

prismacolor and graphite on illustration board


Thursday, February 3, 2011

This is an older piece but now that I've learned how to crop my photos, I finally have a pretty good picture of it. It's from the choices series. I'd love some feedback.

Watercolor on Arches watercolor paper
9X9 in.
Series: Choices

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Here's a sneak peak at a new piece. It's graphite and prismacolor.