Monday, March 21, 2011

My friend and former classmate is having a give away/contest on her blog for a beautiful book that she made. The idea behind this is to motivate people to do what they can to help with the disaster in Japan, by donating money or something to help these people out. The details are on her blog but you should check it out, a chance both to help other people out and a chance to win a beautiful book, she really makes beautiful books, much cooler than the ones I make.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Sometimes I really wish that I could create pieces just like Wulf, or like some of my class mates, or Durer or da Vinci, the list goes on. I can emulate their work, I can be inspired by their work and get ideas from it, but I am not any of them and so my work can't be theirs. I've had feelings like these for ages, in elementary school art projects, when writing essays or stories, etc. All I can do is the best I can with what I've got and who knows, maybe there's somebody out there wishing they could do things the way I do them, maybe not. It's interesting to think about things like that though.

To make up for the recent lack of posts and pictures, here's another piece from The Importance of Bees, enjoy.

Divine Tears
Micron Pen and Ink
Series: The Importance of Bees

Thursday, March 10, 2011

I haven't posted for a long time, I've been very busy working on an application to have a solo show, I'll tell more about that when I know more. It's been a real learning experience for me. Even if I don't end up getting the show, I've already gotten a lot out of this. One thing that I learned adamantly is that if you can afford to have pictures of your work taken by a professional, it's well worth the money rather then spending hours yourself trying to get good images and then cropping them etc.
I mentioned earlier that I was continuing the series on Bees, but it's turned out to be a new series on bees rather than a continuation. There new series is called The Importance of Bees, by the way if you get the chance to learn more about bees you should do it, they are fascinating. Here is a piece from the new series.

Passing It On
micron pen and ink
Series: The Importance of Bees