Thursday, July 28, 2011

Dear painting,
I have really neglected you of late. I got out my paints again today and I can't believe I waited this long. I don't quite recall why I stopped painting and only used writing/drawing implements for the last several months. I was reminded today of how much I love working in watercolor and color in general. I hope we'll never be parted so long again.
-the painter

Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Photo found here
I've been learning more about Giorgio Morandi of late, he was a fairly well known Italian painter in the 20th century. Morandi is not all that well known these days outside of Europe, I never knew about him until a few years ago (this is the case for many artists though) but I've been interested in his work. Most of Morandi's paintings and etchings are landscapes and still lifes (still lives?). Morandi worked in a small messy studio where he painted smaller objects like bottles and vases over and over again.
I like the idea of focusing on some simple objects, we live in such a complicated world and often complicate it further. There can be real beauty in simplicity and often in the things all around us that get overlooked.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The National Museum in Rome

I wasn't expecting very much from this museum but I was blown away by it. By the end of this trip I was a little overloaded on marble busts and statues (they're just everywhere in Italy) but we went to the National Museum early on in our trip and it was just amazing. I highly recommend going there. The pictures here are only a small fraction of the ones I took there, which is a small fraction of what was there.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Art Barbie?

I got the link to this article and it sort of makes me sick. You can get a Barbie either posing as a work of art or wearing one. I appreciate that people are trying to get art and culture to the masses but how is a piece of kitsch supposed to make one feel inspired? Comparing the Mona Lisa Barbie to a picture of the actual Mona Lisa, it's just silly. You can't make a piece of plastic to compare with masterworks of art. (I'm sorry the pictures are so big.)