Monday, July 15, 2013


I've been working on drawings lately. I don't know if I've brought this up before but I just don't love drawing like I love painting. It's harder for one thing. There's a lack of color for another thing. The results may not be as satisfying. There is a tedium in shading, and a frustration in trying to shade evenly. I had a classmate who could draw amazing photo realistic pieces, and I'm just not sure that I could do that, even if I gave drawing my very all. I can't crank out drawings the way I can some paintings, I can't really work on several drawings at once with out it taking the same amount of time as working on one at a time. I also was taught to draw on Arches 88, it's a paper meant for silk screening, it's very delicate, you can literally breath wrong on the stuff. But I'm drawing and I've got a deadline rapidly approaching for these drawings so here's hoping they can be worth the effort and materials.